For those that want to take the field click on the register button below

Why Join the Challenger Division?

The Challenger Division is a special part of Little League designed for boys and girls with physical and mental challenges, ages 4-18 (or up to 22 if still in high school). Here’s why you should join:

  • Inclusive Fun: Every player gets to bat and play in the field each inning, ensuring everyone is involved.
  • Focus on Growth: We don’t keep score. Instead, we emphasize improving skills and building friendships.
  • Personal Best: Players are encouraged to compete against themselves, striving to improve.
  • Community: Games are played Sunday mornings at Horner Park, bringing families and friends together.
  • Skill Development: Our goal is to help each player learn more about baseball while having fun and being part of a team.

Join us to enjoy the game, make new friends, and be part of a supportive team!